What is the law for minors dating adults in pa?
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What is the law for minors dating adults in pa?


In the United States, the age of consent is decided at the state level, so the thresholds differ from state to state. In most states, the age of consent is around 18 years old, give or take a year. The age of consent in Missouri is similar to that of other states. Read on to learn what the Missouri age of consent is, what exceptions there are, and what the consequences may be for breaking the Missouri age of consent laws.

The Age of Consent in Missouri is 17 years old.

Jeff was charged with sexual assault when he was 18 years old. He and his then 15 year old girlfriend began dating when Jeff was a junior in high school. Thus, statutory rape laws took on a dual function: protect minors from being taken.

If you require assistance or would like to talk to a trained professional about the issues described in this paper, please call Kids Helpline on 55 or Lifeline on 13 11 This document is provided as a guide only. Information is current up to the date of publication. Individuals are encouraged to check the currency of any information that is provided by contacting relevant departments or organisations.

This resource sheet is designed to inform practitioners and researchers about age of consent legislation in Australia. If you are a young person seeking advice on sexual relations please refer to some of the following websites:. Age of consent laws attempt to strike a balance between protecting children and young people from exploitation and other harms, and preserving their right to privacy and healthy sexual development.

Young people at the age of consent are viewed by law to have general sexual competence to enforce personal boundaries and negotiate the risks involved in sexual activities.